Spring Signs

It seems growth and change are afoot in almost every way imaginable.

Last night, the province in which I live held a remarkable election, with results that have transformed the political landscape here – and certainly made history. A blast of fresh Spring air in this place.

I’ve been back for a couple of weeks from Vienna, recovered from the jet lag and hit the ground running; digging into a big new project that has me very excited: York:Moments. A project that revolves around reclaiming the history of a place and a neighbourhood, gathering stories and memories with a community. A new life of sorts for streets and empty spaces that allow them in some small way to live again through images and (re)tellings … making a place that no longer exists live again.

These things are about potential, about working and building new things out of the old, and saving what’s precious in one way or another … just like the birds do each year:


Here, a nest within a nest. A bird decided that one of my nest sculptures would be a good spot to build a new home, perhaps.

It remains to be seen what will come of these various activities – for me and for the birds.

But I do know that right now, starting new things and seeing change unfold is exactly what has to happen. It’s Spring (even if the snow today would have us believe otherwise).


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