SubArctic – Amazing!

What an amazing SubArctic Improv last night!

I am continually blown away by the diverse and powerful talent we have here in Edmonton. I’m also inspired and thrilled by our creative community’s generosity of spirit – the way people come together to make work, and give freely of themselves and their creativity. These people share with each other and share with their audiences – and we all are better for it.

A better city, a better community, creative and otherwise.

*yes, if it seems I am gushing a bit, I am – no apologies. It was a great night!

I must extend my thanks to everyone that made this event happen: Jen Mesch and Allison Balcetis who curate Subarctic Improv, Mile Zero staff and volunteers for being such excellent hosts, and all the people who shared the stage: Kate Stashko, Vincent Forcier, Pigeon Breeders, Nicolas Arnaez, Thunder Lightning Heart & Adrian LaChance.

It was an honour to work with you all.

Some preliminary pics from last night, courtesy of Ernest at Studio E Photography, below.

The bubble wrap/LED light objects and bubble wrap costumes were my contribution to the night.

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